On Friday, October 28, 2016 Syed Farhad Ahmed, Managing Director of aamra companies received the most prestigious Daily Star ICT Awards under the category of ‘ICT Person of the Year’.This Award recognizes individual who made significant contribution to the ICT Industry of Bangladesh.
Syed Farhad Ahmed is a well-known marketing professional and driver of many successful business ventures in Bangladesh. His work is distinguished not only by his willingness to take risks and experiment, but by an acute discipline to technological approaches. Throughout his career since 1985, he has contributed extensively to provide technology-based solutions to corporate houses for maximizing business potentials.
Finance Minister AMA Muhith graced the event as the chief guest and handed out the award at the ceremony organized by the Daily Star in association with Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (Basis) held at Le Meridien Hotel in Dhaka.
The aim of this initiative is to create a platform to present the ICT heroes nationally — with an iconic position.